Friday, February 17, 1989: Rivers Edge celebrates three years in the 'burbs with a blow-out party that will include an hors d'oeuvres buffet, plenty of hot music, exotic dancers and who knows what else as they kick up their heels and get crazy. The hot Danish young men will certainly whet your appetite. To get you in the mood for all this frivolity, you might want to start the evening at the Music Box Theatre where 'Friends Forever' continues its run. If that warms you up so much that you need a drink, amble on over to Buddies and join Lenny's Slammer Chug-Off semi-finals. No matter what the temperature outside, it will be HOT on Clark Street tonight. IMAGE: Machine Shop Gay Life, OctoSelections form Gay Chicago's Week in Preview: Thursday, February 16, 1989: One of Chicago's most active dance troupes, the Rockets, hold a strip-off at Cheeks tonight.